Application for International Students

Updated: Jan 9, 2022

2022 Application for International Students of Northeast Agricultural University 

Northeast Agricultural University (hereinafter referred to as NEAU), located in the city of Harbin, is a key level university of Heilongjiang province and is listed in the national "211 Project" and the First-class discipline construction universities in China. NEAU includes 16 colleges and 1 teaching department. There are 10 post-doctoral research stations, 2 post-doctoral work stations, 10 first level PhD disciplines, 24 first level master disciplines, 2 PhD professional degree, 13 master professional degrees and 75 undergraduate majors, covering the disciplines of Agronomy, Engineering, Science, Economics, Management, Literature and so on. 

1. Eligibility 

1) Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens. 

2) Applicants should be in healthy physical condition. 

3) Applicants should be living abroad or graduates of universities in China. 

4) Education background and age limit: 

- Applicants for bachelor's degree studies must have high school's diploma. 

- Applicants for master's degree studies must have bachelor's degree and be under the age of 35. 

- Applicants for doctoral degree studies must have master's degree and be under the age of 40. 

5) Excellent achievement in the area of study. 

6) Comparative good ability in research. 

Scholarship Applicants shall do not receive any other scholarship. 

2. Application Materials 

Applicants must fill in and provide the following materials truly and correctly (in duplicate). 

1) Application Form for International Students to Study at NEAU, the original document and a copy, filled in Chinese or in English. 

2) Highest diploma (notarized photocopy). If applicants are school students, they shall providepre-graduation certificates. 

Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be included with notarized translations in Chinese or English. 

3) Applicants for undergraduate studies are required to provide high school transcripts. Applicants for graduate studies are required to provide undergraduate transcripts. Applicants for doctoral studies need to provide undergraduate transcripts and graduate transcripts. 

Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be included with notarized translations in Chinese or English. 

4) A study or research plan in Chinese or in English, which shall no less than 800 words.(Master and Ph.D. only) 

5) Applicants must submit two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English by professors or associate professors. (Master and Ph.D. only) 

6) A copy of the passport. 

7)Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form filled in English. The medical examinations results are valid for 6 months. All applicants are kindly requested to take this factor into consideration while determining the time to take this medical examination. 

8) Six 2-inch ID photos with white background. 

9) A copy of HSK certificate (not compulsory). 

10) Published academic papers and academic achievements (not compulsory). 

11) Acceptance letter from a supervisor (not compulsory). 

12) No criminal certificate. 

Scholarship applicants shall also fill and submit Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (printed by CSC), the original document and a copy, filled in Chinese or in English. 

The applicants shall download the Application Form online through, or and leave the signature in the required blank. 

The application materials will not be sent back whether the applicant is accepted or not. 

3. Application Procedure 

The above materials should be sent directly to the International Cultural and Educational College of NEAU before April 15th of the year they plan to enroll.Scholarship applicants shall also apply online. For the detail information please refer to Chinese Government Scholarship instruction. 

There is no application fee. 

4. Categories of Applicants and Teaching Language 

For the Chinese taught majors, students whose HSK don’t meet the requirement need to take Chinese language courses for one year before they begin their major study. 

☆The doctoral major of Horticulture could be taught in Chinese or English, while others are all taught in Chinese. For English-taught applicants whose native language or lingua franca is not English, they should submit an English-proficiency score, a score of at least 80 on the TOEFL Internet-based exam or 5.5 on the IELTS. 

5. Fees 

The tuition and accommodation fees are as follow: 

Other fees: 

Resident Permit:400-1200 CNY (changing with the study duration) 

Insurance:800 CNY/year 

Living Expenses:1200 CNY/month (depends on your budget)

6. Chinese Government Scholarship 

6.1 Application Procedure and Date 

Applicants shall submit the written application materials and apply online 

The application hard materials should be sent directly to the International Cultural and Educational College of NEAU before April 15th of the year they plan to enroll. 

Notes: NEAU Category B application only receive master's and doctoral degree application. 

For other study application or application method, please consult the local embassy or consulate. 

6.2 Scholarship Standards 

1) Exempt from registration fee, tuition fee, and fee for accommodation on campus; 

2) Fee for Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Benefit Plan for International Students in China. 

3) Monthly living allowance is paid to the students according to the standards and regulations of CSC. The duration of Scholarship will be lengthened by one additional year for the students who need to learn Chinese. 

4) NEAU provides free accommodation for Chinese Government Scholarship students. The doctoral student or master student will live in single room. 

6.3 Others 

1) Costs of the laboratory experiments or internship which go beyond the university's arrangements will be the responsibility of the student. 

2) Scholarship students shall get their monthly living allowance from the date of registration. 

Chinese Government Scholarship students who enjoy monthly living allowance should register at International Students Office within a month notice, to ensure they will receive their living allowance.

3) The new students who register before the 15th (15th included) of the registration month will enjoy the whole amount of living allowance of that month; those who register after the 15th will get half a month. Graduates will get the living allowances till 15 days after the graduation date set by NEAU. The scholarship will be terminated the month after students suspend their studies, quit or graduate from NEAU. 

4)Scholarship students who have to suspend their education due to illness should return to their home country for further treatment and rest. The international travel expenses of returning and coming back should be paid by the recipient. The students, who are allowed by the school authority to suspend their education, can retain their scholarship. The scholarship status will be reserved one year at the most; however, the monthly living allowance will be stopped during the suspension of education. The scholarship for students who suspend their education for reasons other than illness will be terminated. 

5) Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Benefit Plan for International Students in China are provided by MOE for the scholarship students in China in case of hospitalizing for serious diseases and accidental injuries. 

6) The scholarship is mainly supporting student him/herself; if the student consider bringing his/her family members, he/she needs to afford the cost of living for family members. 

7) Students are not permitted to transfer to another school after registration. 

8) Scholarship applicants accepted by NEAU of higher education will be officially awarded the Chinese Government Scholarship with endorsement from CSC and submitted to MOEC for the record. 

9)Students are not permitted, in principle, to change their specialties, institutions, or the duration of study specified in the Admission Notice after registration. 

7. Approval and Notification 

1) The International and Educational College of NEAU will review all the application 

materials and NEAU is authorized to make necessary adjustments on the specialties and duration of study.

2) If prior Chinese study or other preparatory education is needed, students should pass related examinations during prior education period; otherwise he will not be allowed to start major study. 

3) Applicants are encouraged to contact the departments and supervisors before applying and enclose the relevant admission or recommendation letter if need be. (refer to the appendix: Degree Programs for International Students). 

4) Applicants accepted by NEAU of higher education will be submitted to MOEC for the record. 

5) NEAU will send the Admission Notice and Visa Application Form for Study in China (JW201/202) to relevant students or relevant universities by August 15, so as to have these documents forwarded to the awards. 

6) New Chinese Government Scholarship students should register before the deadline. Anyone who is unable to register on time should submit justification and provide proof as well as seek permission from the International Students Office of International Cultural and Educational College. Otherwise, he or she will voluntarily give up the scholarship after two weeks. 

8. Enrollment majors 

Refer to the Degree Programs for International Students. 

9. Others 

1) Once any cheating or concealing act is found in the application procedure, the application will be refused immediately and the scholarship qualification will be taken back as well. The cheating action will be reported to China Scholarship Council and Chinese Ministry of Education as records. 

2) The scholarship accepted students should take part in the annual review in accordance with the Measures For the Annual Review of Chinese Government Scholarship Status. The details of Annual Review include performances (including the examination or checkup results of all courses in the first term and the general performances in the second term of this academic year), attitude towards study, attendance, conducts, rewards and punishments received.

3) According to the relevant regulations, international students who have not actually come to China, in principle, the living stipend will be paid after they come to China to register and pass the scholarship qualification review. 

10. Contact NEAU 

Tel: 86-451-55190155 

Fax: 86-451-55190588 


Post Address: International Students Office 511, International Cultural and Educational College, Northeast Agricultural University, No.600 Changjiang Road, Xiangfang District, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, P. R. China 

Post Code:150030 

NEAU Homepage:

Degree Programs for International Students

Bachelor's degree: 4 years education 

Only Veterinary Medicine 5 years education 

International Cultural and Educational College 

1. Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages 

Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering College 

2. Agricultural Water Conservancy Engineering 

3. Hydraulic and Hydro-Power Engineering 

4. Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering 

5. Civil Engineering 

6. Engineering Management 

Agriculture College 

7. Agronomy 

8. Plant Protection 

9. Seed Science and Engineering 

10. Plant Science and Technology 

Horticulture College 

11. Horticulture 

12. Facility Agricultural Science and Engineering 

13. Landscape 

14. Landscape Architecture 

Animal Science and Technology College 

15. Veterinary Medicine (5 years education) 

16. Veterinary Pharmacy 

Economics and Management College 

17. Agriculture and Forest Economics and Management 

18. Monetary Finance 

19. Insurance Studies 

20. International Economy and Trade 

21. Business Administration 

22. Accounting 

23. Marketing 

24. Human Resource Management Food Science College 

25. Food Science and Engineering 

26. Food Quality and Safety 

27. Dairy Engineering 

28. Grain Engineering 

Electrification and Information College 

29. Electrical Engineering and Automation 

30. Agricultural Electrification 

31. Computer Science and Technology 

32. Software Engineering 

33. Internet of Things Engineering 

Master's Degree: 3 years education 

Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering College 

1. Hydrology and Water Resources 

2. Agriculture Water- Soil Engineering 

3. Hydraulic and Hydro-Power Engineering 

Resources and Environment College 

4. Pedology 

5. Plant Nutrition Science 

6. Environment Protection and Restoration 

7. Agroecology and Climate Change 

8. Resources and Environment Microbiology 

Agriculture College 

9. Crop Cultivation and Farming System 

10. Plant Genetics and Breeding 

11. Plant Pathology 

12. Agri-entomology and Insects Control 

13. Pesticide Science 

Horticulture College 

14. Vegetable Science 

15. Landscape Plants and Applications 

16. Landscape Ecology and Restoration 

17. Landscape Architecture Planning and Design 

Animal Science and Technology College

18. Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction 

19. Animal Nutrition and Feed Science 

20. Animal Production 

21. Aquatic Animal Protection and Production 

22. Grass Science 

Veterinary Medicine College 

23. Basic Veterinary Medicine 

24. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 

25. Clinic Veterinary Medicine 

26. Animal Pharmacy 

Engineering College 

27. Mechanical Engineering 

28. Agriculture Mechanization Engineering 

29. Agri-biological Environment and Energy Engineering 

30. Agricultural System Engineering and Management Engineering 

31. Management Science and Engineering 

Economics and Management College 

32. Monetary Finance 

33. Industrial Economics 

34. Accounting 

35. Enterprise Management 

36. Agricultural Economics and Management 

Life Science College 

37. Botany 

38. Zoology 

39. Microbiology 

40. Developmental Biology 

41. Cell Biology 

42. Biochemistry and Molecule Biology 

Food Science College 

43. Food Science 

44. Grain, Grease and Botanic Protein Engineering 

45. Agriculture Product Processing and Preserving Engineering 

46. Food Fermentation Engineering 

47. Animal Produce Processing Engineering 

Electrification and Information College 

48. Computer Science and Technology 

49. Agriculture Electrification and Automation 

Public Administration and Law College 

50. Public Administration 

51. Educational Economics and Management 

52. Land Resource Management 

Doctor's degree: 3 years education 

Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering College 

1. Agriculture Water- Soil Engineering 

Resources and Environment College 

2. Pedology 

3. Plant Nutrition Science 

4. Environment Protection and Restoration 

5. Agroecology and Climate Change 

6. Resources and Environment Microbiology 

Agriculture College 

7. Crop Cultivation and Farming System 

8. Plant Genetics and Breeding 

Horticulture College 

9. Horticulture (teaching language: Chinese/English) 

Animal Science and Technology College 

10. Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction 

11. Animal Nutrition and Feed Science 

12. Aquatic Animal Protection and Production 

13. Animal Production 

14. Grass Science 

Veterinary Medicine College 

15. Basic Veterinary Medicine 

16. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 

17. Clinic Veterinary Medicine 

Engineering College 

18. Agriculture Mechanization Engineering 

19. Agri-biological Environment and Energy Engineering 

20. Agricultural System Engineering and Management Engineering 

Economics and Management College 

21. Agricultural Economics and Management 

22. Rural Finance23. Rural and Regional Development 

Life Science College 

24. Botany 

25. Microbiology 

26. Developmental Biology 

27. Biochemistry and Molecule Biology 

Food Science College 

28. Food Science 

29. Grain, Grease and Botanic Protein Engineering 

30. Agriculture Product Processing and Preserving Engineering 

31. Food Fermentation Engineering 

32. Animal Produce Processing Engineering 

Electrification and Information College 

33. Agriculture Electrification and Automation

Application Form for International Students to Study at NEAU

Foreigner Physical Examination Form

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