China is an important force for globalization for the past 40 years, and has experienced rapid economic development. The old framework of international monetary system and global division of labor faces a great pressure for changes, and so does China's economic structure and financial system.
- How to interpret China's policies in the process of reglobalization and seize opportunities?
- How will the economic relations between China and other countries develop in the future?
- Will the global monetary system be restructured in the process of reglobalization?
At 19.00-21.00 Beijing time of September 15, Prof. HE Ping, Chair and Professor of Tsinghua SEM, will deliver the online lecture Economic Growth of China and Reglobalization.
Global Executive Program in China - Opportunity in Diversity: Decoding the Dynamic Chinese Economy
This program is designed to provide senior executives and business leaders with a comprehensive view of leading and managing business effectively in the fast-changing context of China, in a manner that is compatible with Chinese business practices, regulatory frameworks and consumer expectations.
The 20-day program is divided into Live-Virtual Modules (8 days) and On-Campus Modules (12 days, in Shenzhen, Shanghai, and Beijing). Participants can take the Live-Virtual Modules and On-Campus Modules independently.
Contact us
Tel: 8610-62792367; 8610-62772944
Source: Tsinghua SEM