China Daily is calling for articles and short video submissions. Faculty members, students and alumni who have worked or studied in China's universities are invited to share their experience of campus life. The deadline for submission is September 15, 2023.
“我的校园故事”(My Campus Story)主题征文活动由中国日报社主办,中国日报网、21世纪报社、中国日报客户端、中国对外政务信息服务平台·留学中国联合承办,自即日起至2023年9月15日,邀请中外师生、校友用英文分享个人在中国高校学习或教学期间的所见、所闻、所感,展示新时代中国高校风貌和中外青年交流互鉴情况。
Articles or short videos with major themes:
校园生活 Campus life
校园地标 Campus landmarks
学习成长 Grow through studies
课堂 Unforgettable classes
老师和同学 Teachers and classmates
校园活动 Campus activities
竞赛与科研 Competitions and research projects
毕业季 Graduation season
宿舍生活 Dorm life
校园美食 Canteen and food
其他能够反映大学生活的内容 Other thematic content

Among awards to be given to the individual winners, we offer a top prize of up to 5,000 yuan (approximately $712). Furthermore, tutors of winning works and universities that actively participate will be granted certificates for their contributions. Some of the best works will have a chance to be featured on and China Daily app (with 40 million users). Regions and universities with a higher volume of works will get specials on
Article 文章:
300-1,000 English words
Photo 图片:
10 photos maximum, 5MB for each; each with a caption up to 200 English words; format in JPG or PNG.
Format: MP4 or MOV
Dimension: horizontal: 16:9, vertical: 9:16
Size: 1GB maximum, up to 4 minutes.
Caption: 200-500 English words to give a brief introduction.