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Intl students experience Shanghai's traditional folk games
Oct 18, 2023

Intl students experience Shanghai's traditional folk games

Twelve international students from Shanghai University recently participated in the finals of Shanghai's Jiuzi Game Competition that featured various traditional Chinese folk games.

Jiangsu fosters global cultural exchange along Belt and Road
Oct 17, 2023

Jiangsu fosters global cultural exchange along Belt and Road

Jiangsu province in East China has been actively responding to the Belt and Road Initiative, establishing a number of platforms for cultural exchange and cooperation between countries involved.

Yunnan University: A bridge between China, South&Southast Asia
Oct 16, 2023

Yunnan University: A bridge between China, South&Southast Asia

Taking a foothold in Southeast China;s frontier area, Yunnan University has developed into a world-class university.

Shenzhen: Land of opportunity for locals and foreigners
Oct 12, 2023

Shenzhen: Land of opportunity for locals and foreigners

Anton Prokudin, a Russian GTM go-to-market (GTM) expert working at Unilumin Technology Co., Ltd. in Shenzhen, has found the city a land of opportunity and endless possibilities.

Expats experience Xuzhou’s Han culture with Go Jiangsu
Oct 11, 2023

Expats experience Xuzhou’s Han culture with Go Jiangsu

The latest Go Jiangsu trip kicked off at the Xuzhou Museum on Sept 21 with a group of 13 expats from 11 countries, including Russia, France, Ghana and Pakistan, setting out to explore Han culture in Xuzhou, Jiangsu province.

BRI 10 years on: New dawn at Sihanoukville Port
Oct 11, 2023

BRI 10 years on: New dawn at Sihanoukville Port

The Belt and Road Initiative cooperation is not just building infrastructure, but also building better lives and connecting people.

ECNU holds welcome day for Chinese language program
Oct 10, 2023

ECNU holds welcome day for Chinese language program

East China Normal University held a welcome day on Sept 15 in East China's Shanghai for the new semester of its featured Chinese language program, with more than 120 international students from over 20 countries participating.

Nigerian student from SISU shines in Chinese contest
Oct 08, 2023

Nigerian student from SISU shines in Chinese contest

Raphael Ebube Ojimmadu, a Nigerian international student from Shanghai International Studies University or SISU, emerged as the winner of the special prize at the recent final of the 2023 "My Story of Chinese Hanzi" international competition.

Behind Wang's Shun-sational Asiad Daily cover
Sept 29, 2023

Behind Wang's Shun-sational Asiad Daily cover

China's star swimmer Wang Shun is no stranger to newspaper or magazine covers. Even so, he still got swooned by Asiad Daily's Shun-sational cover.

«Справочник услуг для иностранцев в Шанхае» и провели церемонию вручения сертификата «Международного специалиста»
Sept 29, 2023

«Справочник услуг для иностранцев в Шанхае» и провели церемонию вручения сертификата «Международного специалиста»

Утром 28 сентября в Шанхае состоялась презентация «Справочника услуг для иностранцев в Шанхае» (International Services Shanghai), подготовленного отделом Канцелярии по иностранным делам народного правительства города Шанхай и Ассоциацией международной дружбы города Шанхай, и церемония вручения сертификата «Международного специалиста». Руководитель отдела Канцелярии, исполнительный вице-президент Ассоциации Кун Фуань произнес приветственную речь. В церемонии приняли участие около 40 иностранцев, проживающих в Шанхае.

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