Editor’s note: Branded as “Your online guide to government services in China”, we’ve received more than 5,000 messages since the Leave Your Message service was launched in September last year.
The three topics most frequently raised are about education, visas and employment in China. In the feedback special series, we are happy to answer your questions and provide more information on each of them. In the first article of the series, we pick up four typical questions about education in China.
From: Dilawarjawaid Submission date: 2019-09-23
Q: M confused about learning process of China education system. Tell me, what is the proper guideline about that?
A: Hi. Thank you for your message. Generally, pre-school, primary, secondary, higher education as well as vocational and adult education are provided for Chinese students. Special education is also provided for those in need. For more information about the Chinese education system, please go to: https://www.chinaservicesinfo.com/topics/education/educationsystem

From: Shadrickkordorwalee7 Submission date: 2019-09-27
Q: Please help me get information on scholarship program in China and how I can apply for it.
A: Hi. Thank you for your message. There are different scholarship programs available for overseas students in China. Please click on the following link for details about them: https://www.chinaservicesinfo.com/topics/education/scholarships

From: Ejaz64240 Submission date: 2019-09-24
Q: How do I apply for a Chinese university?
A: Hi. Thank you for your message. To apply for a Chinese university, you’d better learn about it carefully and make full preparations for your application. You can click on the link: https://www.chinaservicesinfo.com/topics/education/universities
to have a general view of universities in China and explore more information on their official websites.

From: Alhajibjalloh28 Submission date: 2019-09-17
Q: Hi, I’m interested in technical skill training. I’m a non-university student with only a technical vocational training certificate. I would appreciate it if I could get other advanced vocational training.
A: Hi. Thank you for your message. China's vocational education has four levels: primary, secondary, higher and vocational training. You may choose the one that suits you. For more information, please refer to the following website:

We’ve provided various items of information about education on our website, which covers the education system, primary and secondary education, scholarships, universities and some useful tips for overseas students. More information is coming. Just open the website, choose Education under Topics and find out what you need.
Also, you are welcome to Leave Your Message!