Becoming an anti-virus fighter: the story of a Bangladeshi student |
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Becoming an anti-virus fighter: the story of a Bangladeshi student

facebook twitter linkedin | Updated: Apr 02, 2022

Mohammad Saiyedul Islam, a doctoral fellow in the School of International Trade and Economics at Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, joined the anti-virus team in China.

"The outbreak of COVID-19 in China has touched the hearts of people all over the world. Humanity has long since become a community with a shared future. Only by helping each other and eliminating discrimination and misunderstanding, we can overcome difficulties and protect ourselves," said Islam.

In Nanchang, the capital of East China's Jiangxi province, news of the spread of variants of coronavirus boosted on March 13. As an emergency plan of the university to support epidemic prevention and control, international students were asked to stay on the campus.

In a lockdown, the most important thing is to maintain essential commodities and supply chain management. Islam joined a volunteer team mainly responsible for shopping for the daily supplies the students needed.

Mohammad Saiyedul Islam buys vegetables at a supermarket for international students. [Photo provided to]

With the slogan of "For a Smile", Islam formed a volunteer team, the "Lei Feng International Volunteer Association", named after Lei Feng, a cultural icon in China symbolizing selflessness, modesty, and dedication. He led team members to provide support when the university arranged booster dose vaccine for international students.

Mohammad Saiyedul Islam (R3) guides students to queue up for nucleic acid tests.[Photo provided to]

Islam said, "Coronavirus is a common enemy all over the world. I want to do what I can to protect my school and my classmates." He and team members reminded the students to do the nucleic acid tests as soon as possible, informed them of updates about COVID-19 situations, and encouraged them to avoid public gatherings and wear a mask. They have also distributed face masks and hand sanitizers to ensure the well-being of the international students in the university.

More than a volunteer, Islam is also a student journalist of the university. He writes articles about China as seen through his eyes and strives to let all people in the world know and understand China.

Mohammad Saiyedul Islam (R) interviews an international student of the university.[Photo provided to]

Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics is one of the leading universities in economics and management nationwide.