ZJU’s Global Summer School recruitment kicks off | studychina.chinaservicesinfo.com
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ZJU’s Global Summer School recruitment kicks off

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zju.edu.cn | Updated: Apr 07, 2022

Curious about future cities in science fiction movies? Eager to address digital divide in the upcoming smart city? Want to know how many trees you need to plant to neutralize your carbon emissions in a year? Heads up! Keys to these interesting questions are hidden in ZJU’s Global Summer School!

As part of Z4G, Zhejiang University’s sustainability action plan, the two-week Summer School is launched to inspire the young students to electrify the global community in response to the UN 2030 Agenda.

Three academic modules, themed on Smart City, Inclusive Development and Carbon Neutrality respectively, will provide an in-depth understanding of the most critical issues for a sustainable future.

From interdisciplinary training, thought-provoking case studies, engaging group work to hands-on experience, various activities will definitely take you to an unforgettable trip of great ideas! Opportunities for cultural immersion will also be provided through various non-curricular activities. Fun and more than fun!

Undergraduate and graduate students around the world are welcome to take the credit-bearing courses in the virtual format under the mentorship of prestigious professors from both ZJU and its partner universities. Join us now!

Application schedule: April 1 –May 31, 2022.

Apply at https://sdg-gss.zju.edu.cn/ and kick off ZJU’s GSS together!