Nik Gu, a Russian Gen Zer studying international relations at Tsinghua University in Beijing, talks about the concept of “He er bu tong” that shows wisdom of ancient Chinese philosophy, which basically means “coexisting harmoniously and maintaining difference, to accommodate divergent views”.
Chinese People’s Love for Table Tennis – Tom, a professional table tennis player, has discovered the “secret” of the development of China’s “national sport”, table tennis.
“If you look at me, you’d probably never guess that I have Chinese blood in me” is the kind of thing Vicki Cann, a teacher at China Agricultural University in Beijing, is likely to tell Chinese people when they first meet her.
I don't have much experience with the concept of "love at first sight" but I suppose my story in China fits the bill.
Muhammad Danish Yaqoob is from Pakistan and he now works as a medical intern at Yantai Affiliated Hospital of Binzhou Medical University.
As a foreigner, I am impressed with Chinese culture, infrastructure, and landscapes.
If you want to walk above the clouds or see mountains in the air, Zhangjiajie is definitely the correct choice.
I moved to Shanghai in the summer of 2018, and back then I only planned to stay around two years in China, so I didn’t consider it necessary to learn Mandarin.
Language, and its main components, reading, writing and speaking, are not merely about communicating thoughts and ideas but about understanding and better appreciating the essence of the culture that invented them.
I have a passion for music. One of the most precious memories of my life as a foreign student at Shenzhen University (SZU) is the happy time with the International Choir.