The author is a student from Kazakhstan who study at Xuzhou Vocational College of Industrial Technology.
The video is from all internation students of Xidian University.
Sometimes, fate is a magical thing, like a running train that drives us to where we need to go and everything is so unexpected and so different.
The author is a student from Morocco who study at Anhui Polytechnic University.
The author is a student from Pakistan who study at Northwestern Polytechnical University.
“Seek knowledge even if you have to go as far as China” – it is an Arabic proverb I always remember by heart. I was born in Indonesia and often heard it from my parents and teachers in my childhood.
After researching for few weeks, China was in the top of my priority list and Xianyang Normal University gave me the chance to make it to this country and breath freely with no fear.
Soon I will be on a flight to Bangladesh and meet my parents, who have been separated with me for a long time. Now I am sitting on the lawn in front of the school gate.
Yes, the Chinese philosopher, named Lao Tzu has rightly said. My thousand miles’ journey begins with getting to know the various innovation to which I have always been interested since my adolescence.